Complete Streets for California Conference 2012 (via The Lewis Center)

Complete StreetsComplete Streets Conference

The ideas and principles within the complete streets movement are consistently evolving and progressing.  Within the City of Los Angeles, for example, the Bicycle Master Plan was adopted in early 2011 and the Mobility Element of the City General Plan is currently being updated.  On a state level, 2011 is the first full year since the passing of the Caltrans Complete Streets Act.  Within these examples and more, the movement is experiencing increased momentum with an increased amount of on-the-ground projects.

The second annual UCLA Complete Streets conference will look back at past accomplishments and will concretely analyze the most recent evolution of complete streets through research and examples of implementation.  Streets play in a critical role in creating a more vibrant, productive, and sustainable California.  However, despite the benefits of complete streets challenges still remain, as many of the roles of streets are often competing.  This gathering of interdisciplinary professionals, faculty and students will discuss safety, multi-modality and a holistic approach to streets.  We will look at ways that streets can be safe for all users and vibrant community spaces.  Speakers will further look at ways that complete streets can and should encompass transportation elements and ecological functions as well as re-purposing streets as spaces for public space and events.  We will also look at the legislative and institutional barriers for implementing complete streets and ways to garner political and community support.


The conference is designed to foster productive interaction among an interdisciplinary group of participants in order to further the understanding of key issues and indentify key steps for implementation and the future of direction of research. The interdisciplinary group includes:

  • County and City Departments: Transportation, Public Works, Planning and Public Health
  • Commercial Developers, architects, landscape architects and other business representatives
  • Transportation, environmental health and community advocates/activists
  • Planners, engineers, landscape architects, policy makers
  • University researchers

via Complete Streets for California Conference 2012 | The Lewis Center.

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